November 19th 2018 is World Toilet Day.
With the population of the world now at approximately 7.7 billion people, many of us would be surprised to learn that over 4.5 billion people do not have a clean toilet or running water to wash their hands.
According to a UN report, a third of schools worldwide don’t have any clean toilet facilities and nearly 1 billion school children don’t have hand washing facilities.
It seems extraordinary that in a world where most people have a mobile telephone approximately 892 million people have to squat out in the open.
This, of course, has knock-on hygiene effects with the pollution of domestic drinking water being a direct contributor to many cases of sickness, disease and even death for those less fortunate than us.
Today, as you use your dual flush toilet in the privacy of your home, workplace or school, spare a thought for these people.
You may also consider buying Who Gives a Crap toilet paper. Who Gives a Crap donate 50% of their profits to help build toilets for those who have none.