
51 Reasons to Love Your Plumber

Last week we made another blood donation at the LifeBlood mobile donor caravan at Coogee Oval.

During a few moments of contemplation while some of the good stuff was taken from my left arm, I had this realisation.

Its nearly September 30th 2023, and with the Australian summer and the Christmas holiday season and the end of the year only 92 days away, here’s 50 more reasons to love your plumber:

  1. Punctuality: They respect your time by arriving on schedule.
  2. Friendly Demeanor: A pleasant attitude makes interactions more enjoyable.
  3. Professionalism: Plumbers conduct themselves with professionalism in all dealings.
  4. Accountability: They take responsibility for their work and any issues that arise.
  5. Communication: Good plumbers communicate clearly and effectively.
  6. Accessibility: You can easily reach them when you need assistance.
  7. Emergency Preparedness: Plumbers are equipped to handle urgent situations.
  8. Efficiency: They work quickly without sacrificing quality.
  9. Upfront Pricing: Many plumbers provide cost estimates before starting work.
  10. Experience with Older Homes: We’re skilled in working with older plumbing systems.
  11. Thorough Inspections: Plumbers inspect your plumbing system thoroughly to identify hidden issues.
  12. Innovative Solutions: They offer creative solutions to unique plumbing challenges.
  13. Flexibility in Scheduling: Accommodating your schedule is a priority.
  14. Friendly Advice: Plumbers give helpful tips for maintaining your plumbing.
  15. Transparent Billing: Clear invoices break down the cost of services.
  16. Courteousness: They treat your home with respect and politeness.
  17. Clean Appearance: A professional appearance instills confidence. Could need a haircut.
  18. Availability for Questions: We’re happy to answer your plumbing-related queries.
  19. Waste Removal: Proper disposal of old parts and waste is their responsibility.
  20. Quality Materials: They use high-quality materials for repairs and installations.
  21. Flexible Payment Options: Some plumbers offer payment plans or financing.
  22. Licensed and Certified: Qualified plumbers have the necessary licenses and certifications.
  23. Hassle-Free Repairs: We’ll handle all aspects of the repair process.
  24. Adherence to Safety Standards: Safety is a top priority on the job.
  25. Respect for Your Property: Plumbers take precautions to avoid damage during work.
  26. Protection for Your Flooring: They use protective coverings to keep your floors clean.
  27. Genuine Care: Good plumbers genuinely care about your plumbing issues.
  28. Problem Diagnosis: They accurately diagnose the root causes of plumbing problems.
  29. Longevity of Repairs: Repairs are done to last, saving you money over time.
  30. Insurance Claims Assistance: We can help with insurance claims for plumbing-related damage.
  31. Energy Efficiency Tips: Plumbers provide advice on reducing energy consumption.
  32. Dependability: You can rely on them for consistent quality work.
  33. Customization: Tailored solutions to meet your specific needs.
  34. Water Pressure Optimization: We ensure your water pressure is just right.
  35. Versatility: Plumbers handle a wide range of plumbing problems.
  36. Accessibility Features: They can install accessible plumbing fixtures if needed.
  37. Aesthetics: Attention to detail in installations for an aesthetically pleasing result.
  38. Project Management: Coordinating the multiple aspects of some plumbing projects.
  39. Prepared for Unforeseen Issues: They’re ready for unexpected challenges.
  40. Emergency Prevention: Plumbers help prevent plumbing emergencies.
  41. Eco-Friendly Practices: Some plumbers focus on green plumbing solutions.
  42. Prompt Response to Inquiries: Quick responses to your calls or messages.
  43. Family-Owned Businesses: Supporting local, family-owned plumbing businesses.
  44. Community Involvement: Some plumbers do unseen work in the community.
  45. Clear Documentation: Detailed records of services provided.
  46. Consistency in Quality: Reliable service you can count on.
  47. Follow-Up Services: We check in after service to ensure everything is working correctly.
  48. Custom Maintenance Plans: We can give tailored plans for ongoing plumbing care.
  49. Warranty Fulfillment: Honoring warranties for their work.
  50. Peace of Mind: Ultimately, they provide peace of mind knowing your plumbing needs are in capable hands.

Any great plumber is a valued part of your household, offering expertise, reliability, and peace of mind for all your plumbing stuff. They’ll even carry your groceries in from the car

So next time you need to call a plumber……..

How to Stop Snakes in a drain!

On a recent trip to balmy Townsville, North Queensland our Saturday night movie screening on a friends verandah was interrupted when another guest saw a three metre python moving on the roof next door. Said serpent was moving towards the open windows of the neighbours first floor bedroom! Our hostess declared intermission, paused the movie and contacted the neighbours to close their bedroom windows.

The other movie-goers, Queenslanders, shrugged, took a sip of their XXXX and declared “Thats Townsville!”

This cowboy immediately found it difficult to focus on the french sub-titles and only think about how I could prevent pythons from getting in my North Queensland friends storm water pipes.

By the time the movie had ended I came up with a few simple ways to prevent pythons from entering your North Queensland storm water pipes:

  1. Install wire mesh or grates: Fit wire mesh or grates over the openings of your storm water pipes. Use a mesh with small openings to prevent snakes from slithering through. Make sure the mesh or grates are securely fastened to prevent any gaps.
  2. Seal pipe joints and cracks: Inspect your storm water pipes for any gaps, cracks, or loose joints. Snakes can squeeze through surprisingly small openings, so seal these gaps using appropriate materials like silicone sealant or concrete patching compound.
  3. Regularly maintain and clear vegetation: Remove any overgrown vegetation or debris around your property, particularly near the storm water pipes. Pythons are attracted to areas with ample hiding spots, so keeping the area clear reduces their habitat and discourages them from approaching.
  4. Consider snake repellents: Some commercially available snake repellents emit odors that snakes find unpleasant. Consult with a local expert or snake control professional to determine if such repellents are effective and suitable for your situation.
  5. Monitor and remove potential snake magnets: Snakes are often attracted to food sources, like small animals or rats and mice. Take steps to control rodent populations around your property, such as securing garbage bins and removing potential food sources.
  6. Educate yourself and your neighbours: Learn about the types of snakes in your area, their habits, and their preferred habitats. Share this knowledge with others in your community to raise awareness and promote snake-safe practices.
  7. Consult a local snake expert: Reach out to local wildlife or snake experts who have experience dealing with snakes in your specific region. They can provide valuable advice and guidance tailored to your location.

Remember, it’s important to handle snakes with caution and avoid direct confrontation. If you encounter a snake or suspect an infestation, contact the local wildlife authorities or snake control professionals for assistance and advice.

Is it O.K. to take a longer shower?

As Sydney and most of New South Wales is knee-deep in floodwater I had a friend ask me this morning, “is it OK to take a longer shower?”

I encouraged him and his entire family to take a longer shower over the next few days. Using the water may actually help those that are living downstream from Warragamba Dam where the residents and farmers are flooded by the water running over the dam spillway and overwhelming the Nepean and Hawkesbury river systems downstream.

Just over twelve months ago we were in the grip of a drought that was choking our country cousins and dust storms were commonplace across New South Wales.

The rain won’t last forever, in fact, it’s forecast to clear up this afternoon and deliver a 29° hot sunny day tomorrow.

The rain has exposed many blocked drains and stormwater pits and pipes. So when the sun comes out, make the most of the abundant water in our catchment dams and clean out those pits, grates, drains and the rainwater down pipes blocked with leaf debris.

Toilet paper is no longer a hot ticket. Guess what is?

The stampede on toilet paper has slowed for now. But I overheard an 18 year old chemist assistant telling her mum about the latest hot items running out the door of her pharmacy during the lockdown over the last 4 weeks that is worth sharing.

She rattled off a list of items and her thoughts on why.

With respect to brand names…
Armaforce – General health.
Panadol – Just in case they get the virus.
Thermometers – 36.3 is normal body temperature.
Lemsip – To keep colds away.
Betadine – I don’t know why.
Voltaren – Over training by the work from home crew.
Thrush cream – They’re all wearing leggings and have thrush. Bad idea.
Pregnancy test kits – There will be a baby boom early 2021.
Nail polish – They can’t go anywhere.

Storms bring blocked drains

The well-needed rain that arrived in Sydney over the last few days has created many blocked drains and grates that can easily be fixed.

Take the opportunity in between showers to check any pits or drains around your home that may be blocked by leaf debris or dirt. Put on your gardening or washing up gloves to clean them out; it may save you from some unexpected flooding.

The blocked drain shown here was covered by leaves and gum nuts blown off in the storm. It wasn’t able to cope with the deluge of water that caused the garage to flood.

If your roof gutters are full and overflowing, it may be leaf debris and twigs or even a tennis ball from the summer back yard cricket series blocking the gutter outlets.
If you choose to put a ladder up to the roof gutters to have a look, please be very careful.
Take care climbing on your roof.
It may be very slippery!

The Lone Drainer Recipe collection

It’s the second month of the New Year and we’re all still full of good intentions.

I, The Lone Drainer, the fastest plumber in the Eastern suburbs, hereby announce my New Years Resolution: I will become a better cook. I am committing in print in the hope that my public announcement will help me stick to the program.

Here’s how it will work:

Every week, I will publish a new recipe, fully tried and tested in The Lone Drainer Coogee kitchen and stomach. I’m aiming for easy, fast and not too many ingredients. And something that won’t make me fat. I want to be a fit, healthy fifty year old. (Ed: who are you kidding Dave? Rumour has it you’re closer to sixty already!)

It won’t always be a recipe, sometimes it will just be a meal idea, suitable for a man to make. (OK, sexist, I know. I’ll rephrase that. What I mean is suitable for me, a mere male without a lot of cooking skills, but certainly a man who likes to eat well).

Here is No 1 Recipe, a sample of my ‘easy-after-a-hard–days-work–plumbing meal’ idea:

Go to the supermarket.

Buy a bag of mixed salad leaves, a bottle of bread and butter pickles, and a piece of salmon.

Put two potatoes and two carrots on to boil. (Good plumbers need carbs. We work hard and burn a lot of energy).

Spread the salad leaves on a plate. Pour a tablespoon of olive oil on the leaves. (Uncooked olive oil is good for keeping cholesterol down).

BBQ the salmon. Or cook it in a heavy cast iron frypan. Six and two minutes on a gas stove.

Put the salmon on top of the leaves. Put the now cooked potatoes and carrots next to the salmon on the plate . Add a couple of dill pickles. There is dinner. Four vegetables, fish for protein and a few carbs for energy. Twenty minutes tops.

Read our blog. Cook my food. Admire our plumbing.

Rain causes Bronte wall collapse

Sydney’s sustained rainfall has almost washed out the third cricket test between Australia and the West Indies at the Sydney Cricket Ground. The rain may have helped the Windies at the SCG but nearby Bronte residents awoke yesterday to find their Macpherson Street neighbours wall had collapsed into the street.

My initial drive past the site to survey the damage was met by a pile of sand, outdoor table and chairs, a picket fence and kids cubby house that had slipped onto the road.
Bronte collapsed wall
It was interesting to see old earthenware pipes amongst the rubble. Maybe their stormwater pipes were blocked or leaking into the sand, probably washing out the pipe line, and the continuous rain caused the collapse.

I do not believe anyone has been injured. Here’s hoping this family can get back into their home soon.

Back to work for a New Year

Many of us are back to work today January 4th 2016 after our Christmas break. We have had time, love and laughter with family and friends, rest and re-charge.

We’ve had a few plumbing emergencies that couldn’t wait. Blocked drains, burst water pipes and a rusty galvanised gas service that led to a complete pipe re-run on New Years Eve.

People are grateful to have help from an emergency plumber.

They also like to laugh and learn. I recommend you watch this clip for Poo Pourri. This is what I call Furk! – Having FUn at woRK

BTW After the laughing stopped, I ordered some Poo Pourri. It works! If you’d like some let me know.

Think before you flush the toilet.

Christmas 2015 is upon us. This is the time most of us slow down and enjoy the festive season and the Aussie summer. But please think before you flush. We are here to help you with any plumbing emergency over the Christmas holidays.

A blocked drain can be caused by putting the wrong things down your sinks, pipes and toilets. This can leave you with an expensive plumbing bill to unblock your pipes. It can also lead to an increase in the amount of waste moving through our sewage treatment works at Malabar, Bondi and Manly.

These extra items have to be screened out, dumped in bins and trucked off to a landfill site. Unsuitable flushed items can lead to sewer overflows and problems in the sewer mains which are simply caused by small items getting caught and blocking the network.

Don't do it.

Don’t do it.

An overflowing sewer main in your property or worse, in your home, is very unpleasant. So, keep it simple and flush only the three Ps….. pee, poo and paper.

Storm drains overflow

We had another storm blast through Sydney this afternoon.

We were safely on a boat in Rushcutters Bay fitting the gas cooker as the 60 knot wind blew through.
Safe from the storm
The rain poured down with hail stones thrown in. The storm flooded all the local street drains and in some places the gutters were up to 400mm deep in stormwater.

Please check the grates and drains around your home and ensure that they are clear and running freely. The storms come quickly and can create lots of damage fast.

If you need help…… Call us!

Plumbing Emergency – Can’t turn the water off!

When you have a plumbing emergency

On Thursday night a client rang after 9.00pm to say her basin tap that had been leaking for a few weeks was now gushing water… and the water meter at the front of the house wouldn’t shut off!
We were able to rescue her family quite quickly. However it was an expensive process.

What’s the take away from that? If your taps don’t feel right, please don’t ignore it. Call a plumber and schedule a repair. And if your water meter wont shut off, it sounds like a job for The Lone Drainer and Pronto.

Melbourne Cup Tip

The winner

Broncos and Cowboys Long Weekend

The October long weekend brings a sporting feast to Sydney. NRL fans will descend on our city for the Grand Final between the Brisbane Broncos and the North Queensland Cowboys.

The Lone Drainer and Pronto loves cowboys and horses. My heart says Cowboys but the head says Broncos.

The Epsom Handicap will be run at Royal Randwick. I’m tipping Sadlers Lake with the great Jim Cassidy riding. Whilst in Melbourne, the AFL sees the Hawks Hawthorn up against the Eagles from West Coast. Go Eagles!

What ever you’re doing, have fun! And if you have a plumbing emergencyyou can call us!
The winner

Happy Plumbers + Great Service = Happy Clients

We have a great team of plumbers here at The Lone Drainer and Pronto! They are good at their job. They Love their work. We call it “Furk”! Having

On Monday afternoon, 27th October 2014, I got the following email:

Hi Dave,
Thank you so very much for taking my phone call early this morning and organising Chris and Leigh to come to my house so quickly.

Chris and Leigh arrived, knocked on my door, introduced themselves with smiles and put me at ease that my sewerage problems would be fixed.

Such a relief. I could not have had nicer people to arrive on my door step. Both well mannered and very pleasant people to talk to.

I also had a problem with my kitchen sink tap. Unfortunately I had to leave Chris at the kitchen sink as I had to go to work. He did a good job and I now have a brand new tap looking at me! Both men were very efficient.

Again, thank you for being so prompt and getting the job on its way.

Kind regards,

Julie B. Randwick NSW

Leigh and Chris with Plunger

Leigh and Chris with Plunger

My Plumber is a Wizard

Sometimes its great to laugh at ourselves.

I’ve always loved the Wizard and this is a good one!
Wizard ID Plumber

Help! Where does my Hot Water turn off?


“My water heater is spitting out hot water and steam. Can you get over here Urgently?” “I don’t know how to turn it off and I think it’s going to explode!”

Monday morning brought a call from Deborah in Randwick. It sounds like a job for The Lone Drainer ……and Pronto.

Of course we were able to rescue Deborah. We replaced the water heater and the gas and water shut-off valves that controlled the unit. But, how many people don’t know how to turn off their water heater?

The image below shows where to shut off the water and gas supply to the heater. Why don’t you practice turning the water heater off when it isn’t urgent?

If you need help Call us 02 9664 4990

Water heater valves

Flush with Facts #3 Thomas Crapper

Thomas Crapper was a plumber in the second half of the 19th and early 20th centuries who founded his own company in Chelsea, London in 1861.

Contrary to popular belief, Crapper did not invent the flushing toilet; that is said to have been invented by Sir John Harrington. Crapper however did make several patents relating to drain improvements, water closets and manhole covers. His plumbing business was quite successful, and supplied plumbing to members of the royal family, a feat for which many incorrectly believed he was knighted.

Although he did not invent the flushing toilet, Thomas Crapper & Co did successfully market and mass produce them.  As soldiers passed throughout England during WWI it is believed that the slang term “crapper” was created due to the Crapper & Co’s logo being displayed everywhere.

Finely tuned athletes create blocked drains!

The 19th Commonwealth Games in New Delhi India have made headlines for several reasons.

Firstly, the Australian athletes have done exceptionally well. I have personally enjoyed the efforts of swimming legend Geoff Huegill on the comeback trail after a long break from the discipline of training. Huegill, the man they call Skippy, swam the best race of his life in the 100m butterfly final. His time, 51.69 sec, was easily the fastest he has ever swum and astonishingly places him, at 31, second in the world this year behind the greatest swimmer of all time, American great Michael Phelps.

A problem with blocked drains in the athletes village was blamed on an abundance of used condoms blocking up the sewer pipes. Indian newspapers reported the blockages; organisers are denying it saying “there was no blockage in the drains in the village and no emergency plumbers were called in.”

But one fact remains, the supply of complimentary condoms has been depleted by 4,000. So either there have been a lot of water fights, or groups of young athletes at their physical and hormonal peak have been “getting to know one another”.

I know which one my money is on!

It was during the 1992 Barcelona Olympic games that condoms were first purposefully handed out to athletes, and organisers have continued to do so ever since.

Whether you are in New Delhi, Double Bay, or Mosman, we don’t recommend disposing of condoms by flushing them down the loo into the sewer pipes.

But if it does happen, it sounds like a job for The Lone Drainer and Pronto!

Washing machines & dishwasher maintenance

With 3 growing boys living at home who eat like there is no tomorrow, between playing rugby, cricket and doing patrols at Coogee Surf Club, we have plenty of dishes to wash up every day as well as laundry to do every day, so much so, that both appliances broke down at the same time!

Yes it happens to plumbers as well!

So we had our brightest plumbing apprentice just install a new dishwasher and washing machine and it made me aware of the importance of these water appliances and how we should maintain them.

1. Their hoses are rubber, so with hot water they perish and may rupture; so check them regularly.
2. Many people turn these control valves or taps off at the end of every wash. In our house that would be impossible.
3. Turn taps off when going on holidays. Don’t forget to turn them back on when you return.

Just recently, our emergency plumbers rescued a young mother who had been to Adelaide for three weeks. The hose feeding her washing machine ruptured causing many dollars worth of damage:

  • Her washing machine shorted out electrically (needs a new machine).
  • The laundry/bathroom was covered in mould from the steam (needs repainting).
  • Assorted bits and pieces of furniture were damaged.
  • The carpets in the hallway were waterlogged.
  • The parquet flooring at the end of the hallway had buckled and would need major repairs, then re-sanding and staining.
  • Not to mention the aggravation of removing all furniture and of course taking the young children away from the home for several days whilst these procedures were carried out. The fumes from the floor staining were intoxicating.

Sydney Water fights tree roots in sewer pipes

Sydney Water, the guardians of our main sewer pipes, are constantly waging war against tree roots in our main sewer lines!

Many clients from Double Bay, Rushcutters Bay, Edgecliff, Woollahra, Paddington, Rose Bay, Point Piper and Darling Point, residents with lots of trees and tree roots growing in the sewer pipes around their homes, report Sydney Water are systematically surveying the mains around their neighbourhood.

If you have a tree root problem on the branch to the sewer pipes for your home, they will advise you.

To cut tree roots from your sewer pipes before it becomes a plumbing emergency follow their advice.

To keep the tree roots out of your sewer pipes you should seriously consider using Vaporooter.

Emergency blocked drains affected by the full moon??

Blocked drains happen everyday in Sydney and all the plumbers on our team love getting out there to help people clear their blocked drain, clean up any mess from an overflowing sewer, and get on with their lives.

We track the most common cause of blocked drains and apart from the very unusual, like a small puppy as seen on a previous post  there are only a few reasons why drains get blocked.

  • Hair – make sure to remove it from hand basins, shower grates and drains.
  • Sand and soil – usually gets washed into the sewer from low lying surcharge gullies and stormwater running down footpaths and driveways.
  • Foreign objects – like dental floss, toilet deodorisers , kids toys or even underwear, will block up sewer pipes very quickly.

The most common cause of blocked drains in Australia is tree roots; they grow into the pipes for many different reasons. Today’s theory has been raised by a colleague who believes that the full moon causes trees to do “something different” every month, like search for more water, or just “flex their muscles”, thus causing more sewer blockages. It is a very interesting theory and we have been tracking it for about 18 months.

Every month, two or three days either side of the full moon we have a 10-15% spike in requests for help on blocked drains caused by tree roots. This month the full moon fell on July 26th 2010, and it was no exception. Of course this is only a theory, but we will keep tracking it!

If you see or hear of emergency plumbers and blocked drain specialists acting and  looking a little weird around the full moon………….let me know!

Burst water hose floods house.

It’s Saturday night in the city and we received an emergency call from a long term client, “HELP we have a tap over the kitchen sink that is leaking lots of water and flooding our kitchen.”

Now on a Saturday night, this sounds like a job for “The Lone Drainer and Pronto“! We were at the house within 30 minutes to repair the leaking tap!

The kitchen sink mixer tap had exploded, gushing water everywhere, and our clients who were having a peaceful dinner, could not turn the water off!

The 2 valves controlling hot and cold water supply to the kitchen sink flickmixer style tap, and the water meter at the front of the property could not be turned off. Both the taps had seized and the water just kept running out all over the kitchen!

How to Prolong the Life of Your Mains Pressure Hot Water Heater

The lifespan of a water heater is about eight to twelve years, depending on whether it is inside or out, near the ocean, or you carry out simple maintenance procedures. Modern tanks are lined with steel, and this lining can break down over time.

Here are some tips to prolong the life of your mains pressure hot water heater.

  • Installing a second anode rod prolongs the life of the water heater. The anode rod undergoes corrosion as time moves on and collects this corrosion in order to prevent so much corrosion in the tank.
  • A pressurised system needs a Temperature and Pressure Relief valve to be working effectively in order to prolong the life of the water heater. As water heats, it expands and needs somewhere to go. A T&PR valve will prevent stress on the water heater and the hot water plumbing system by taking the discharge.

Ease this valve regularly

Ease this valve regularly

  • Annual flushing of an older tank will help keep it working and prevent sedimentary build-up inside the tank. Newer tanks are often self-cleaning; they may cost more but are able to last for many years to come.
  • Very high water pressure can damage your appliances and cause the water heater to wear out too early. Installing a pressure limiting valve  regulates system pressure and reduces the wear and tear on your hot water plumbing and your appliances.
  • Scaling is a big problem for water heaters in areas where the public water systems have excess mineral contents. In many instances a water softener is the answer to this problem. The water softener reduces wear and tear on the water system and helps your soap suds up better.

Should your water heater stop working for you, be sure to call in emergency plumbing services and restore the hot water supply back in your house.  The Lone Drainer and Pronto plumbing services  have an emergency plumbing services number where you can reach a professional plumber twenty four hours a day to take care of any problem you may be having with the plumbing. NEVER attempt to do it yourself as you do require a qualified plumber to assist you in this situation.

Follow the suggestions mentioned and prolong the life of your mains pressure hot water heater. You want the hot water heater in your home or business to perform exactly as it should at all times. By taking care of the water heater and making sure you cover most of these things, you will save yourself the expense of replacing a whole system or  the frustration of not knowing just what to do when the whole thing seems to be under performing or even leaking.

It is never nice to have a plumbing emergency, but in the unfortunate circumstance that you do, it is good to know that emergency plumbing services are available. Many reputable companies will come back the next day with a follow up to make sure that everything is working the way it is supposed to, as well as to make sure that there are no more immediate problems that could potentially shut your water off for an extended period of time.

When you have to choose a regular plumber, be sure that they have plumbing services for any emergency and reasonable charges for their plumbing services. They should also give you a price for the job upfront, before they start.

So you think you’re having a bad day?

Today’s blog post is from Exponential Growth Strategist Dr Marc Dussault. (

Some days when you think you are home free, there is a trap waiting for you.

Have you ever had a day like that?

Marc takes business growth very seriously, but insists we plumbers take time to have a laugh, even at our own expense.

Thanks for the medicine Dr! 




Blocked Drains…Minimise the Pain

If you have a history of blocked drains at your home, you should read the following to learn more about your drains.

Get a drainage diagram from Sydney Water and keep it handy; it’s part of your contract of sale.

  1. Tree roots will grow into your sewer, year in year out, through the joints in earthenware pipelines or where they meet PVC pipes. They will come back!
  2. Don’t ignore gurgling drains or siphoning pan outlets. They are a sure sign of a blockage.
  3. Investigate smells, they usually mean trouble.
  4. All plumbing fixtures, WC, basin, sink, bath, laundry tubs, kitchen sink etc. have an S or P trap, or water seal underneath. This trap is not to catch your diamonds (which we have successfully retrieved in the past), it is there to prevent the smell of the sewer coming into your home. If you have a bad smell in the bathroom or laundry it may be because the water seal in the floorwaste has dried out. This means the floorwaste is acting as a direct vent off the sewer and that’s why it smells. So an easy fix is to get a torch and see if the floorwaste is dry; if it is, get a bucket or jug of water, add disinfectant or bleach and tip it in. If the smell persists, it’s a job for the Lone Drainer and Pronto!
  5. Remove hair from your shower or bath drains. Bin it, burn it or flush it.
  6. Keep a simple sink plunger in your home tool kit.
  7. Don’t put sanitary products (tampons, napkins etc) or dental floss down the loo. Dental floss is like fishing line, very tough, it wont break down, it will cause a blockage!
  8. Only use toilet paper. Not tissues or newspaper. (Try the tissue-toilet paper test. Put them in a bucket and run water over them. See what happens).
  9. Toilet deodorisers that hang over the edge of your loo are not recommended! They fall in and no one wants to put gloves on and retrieve them, so they flush them down and guess what? They will help put a plumbers kid through uni!
  10. If you do hire an electric eel and try to clear a blockage yourself, exercise caution, they are a dangerous weapon in the hands of a novice and may cost you more money than you save!

If you need any help with this go to