How to fix a blocked drain caused by tree roots.

If you have tree roots in your sewer pipes, you should watch this 1:56 minute YouTube Clip

Tree roots will lift, crack and maybe even crush those pipes, resulting in some very expensive replacement costs to dig up and renew the broken pipes.

Plumbers call pipe or drain blockages “chokes” … If your sewer pipes are choked, then call us on (02) 9664 4990

This clip shows how we use the latest plumbing technology to clear out your blocked drains.

In the first part of this demonstration in a clear plastic pipe, you’ll see how high pressure water drain cleaners work inside your pipes.

85% of blocked drains are caused by tree roots and this clip shows how the different drain cleaning heads move through the pipes and subsequently the tree root blockage, cutting and mulching the tree roots and blowing them back through the pipeline.

Tree roots grow in through the top of the earthenware pipe joints and depending on where the tree is, root blockages can be in more than one pipe joint.

A drain camera or Drainoscopy used in conjunction with the high pressure water will help your plumber cut out all the tree root blockages at the pipe joints.

Once we cut the tree roots from your sewer pipes, we can then apply Vaporooter to prevent regrowth of tree roots in your pipes.

The Vaporooter process is cost effective, and comes with a 12 month GUARANTEE!

If you would like to find out more, please call us on 02 9664 4990