Monthly Archives: April 2023
Flush the toilet and wash your hands.
The toilet flush button can potentially be a source of germs and bacteria, as it is frequently touched by multiple people and not always cleaned regularly. However, other surfaces such as the toilet seat and tap handles may also be sources of germs.

It is important to practice good hygiene and regularly clean all surfaces in the bathroom to minimize the spread of germs.
The flush button, like any other surface, can potentially spread viruses if it is contaminated with the virus and then comes into contact with someone’s mouth, nose or eyes.
The corona virus experience showed us germs can survive on surfaces for varying periods of time, depending on the type of surface, the humidity and the temperature. Therefore, it is important to frequently clean and disinfect high-touch surfaces, such as the toilet flush buttons, to help prevent the spread of germs.
Practicing good hand hygiene, by washing your hands thoroughly and frequently, can also help prevent the spread of viruses.
Save water with a half flush toilet?
In April 2023 most toilets are designed to use less water, so they have a dual flush toilet cistern, which allows the user to choose between a full flush and a half flush.
Using the appropriate flush will help save water.
As we move into Winter, traditionally our dry season, rainfall is less and, water saving is still a thing.
With that in mind, we should use the half flush for liquid waste and the full flush for solid waste.

The full flush is typically used more often than the half flush, as it is designed to clear all waste from the toilet bowl.
Remember not to use the toilet as a rubbish bin. Flushing non-biodegradable items can cause blocked pipes and drains, and cause damage to the plumbing.
If your toilet flush isn’t working as it should it is wasting water and adding to your water bill.
A running toilet cistern sounds like a job for The Lone Drainer and Pronto.
Call us on 02 9664 4990
Click here to see the current water levels in the Greater Sydney Catchment area.
Full Moon Blocked Drains
Regardless of the season, tree roots block drains.
And there is a school of thought they occur more during the full moon :-).
However, there is no scientific evidence to suggest that tree roots are more likely to cause blocked drains during the full moon.
The idea that the full moon affects tree roots and causes them to grow more or become more active is a myth that has been around for a long time.
Blocked drains can be caused by a variety of factors, including tree roots about 85% of the time.
Tree roots grow in response to a variety of factors, such as moisture, nutrients, and changes in temperature, but the phase of the moon has no effect on this process.
Tree leaves and other debris, especially from our deciduous trees can accumulate in pipes, as well as grease, oil, and other substances like paint and even cement sometimes gets poured down the drain.
Regular maintenance and cleaning can help prevent blocked drains and keep your pipes flowing smoothly.
The full moon on the east coast of Australia is at about 14.30 today April 6th, 2023.