Monthly Archives: March 2010
Toilet Leaks Waste Water
How Much Water Is Wasted When I Continue To Let My Toilet Leak?
When a meter’s flow indicator moves and you know that all the water outlets are off, both inside and outside, you can be sure that there is a leak somewhere in your lines. The continuous drip of a leaky tap, or a constantly running toilet, will add dollars and cents to your water bill in a hurry. When this happens, it is time to call for toilet plumbing services.
It is estimated that $145.00 is added to your water bill annually if the toilet continues to run after flushing. This is money you are paying out that you don’t have to. The insides of the toilet cistern are inexpensive compared to the extra money you pay because your toilet is constantly running. So it makes sense to acquire plumbing services Sydney to fix your leaky toilet or tap.
The constant running of a toilet not only wastes water but will increase your utility bill over a period of time. That extra money, not to mention the water, could be used more advantageously.
Let’s think about the water that is wasted when you continue to let your taps or toilet leak.
Wasting water is no longer something you can do and not feel guilty about it. The shortages around the world can be helped if everyone keeps their equipment in good working condition, and if we are all mindful about how we use water and how we can prevent wasting water that can be better used somewhere else.
It would not be hard to put together a list of items you could purchase with the money you are paying for the wasted water from the leaky toilet. There are many ways to spend that $145.00. Whether the money is used for a needed item or for leisure, that money can be better spent on something that you will have for a while or something you will enjoy whenever you want to. Therefore, it is well worth it to hire plumbing services to fix your leaky toilet.
So many people can be helped by you simply ensuring that you do not waste water negligently. Neglecting to take care of your household can cost you hundreds of dollars in a short period of time. Lately, the economy makes us spend thriftier; hopefully it also teaches us to be more conservative of the natural resources that are limited worldwide. Contact one of the plumbing services Sydney to make sure you are doing your part to conserve water and put the water where it will do the most good.
Would you use this loo?
I have just returned from Louisville Kentucky where I attended the 30th Annual Pumper and Cleaner Environmental Expo.
This is one of the western world’s greatest collections of experts, gathering to talk about S _ _ T.
How to clean it, clear it, move it, store it, collect it and record it.
Over the next few weeks I will share with you some of the sights and sounds and people that made Louisville 2010 the greatest plumbing expo so far this decade;
Please come back to this blog page over the next few weeks to see and enjoy some images of Louisville, KY through the eyes of The Lone Drainer and Pronto.
In the meantime enjoy these images of a very unusual public toilet. I ask you, Would you use this Loo?
Now that you’ve seen the outside view, take a look at the view from the inside out.
It’s made entirely of one-way glass! No one can see you from the outside, but when you are inside it’s like sitting in a clear glass box!
Could You….??? Now would you use this fun toilet?
So you think you’re having a bad day?
Today’s blog post is from Exponential Growth Strategist Dr Marc Dussault. (
Some days when you think you are home free, there is a trap waiting for you.
Have you ever had a day like that?
Marc takes business growth very seriously, but insists we plumbers take time to have a laugh, even at our own expense.
Thanks for the medicine Dr!
What Will Happen If I Ignore that Gas Leak?
Many people have no clue what natural gas smells like, so how can they recognise if they have a gas leak? Chemical compounds are placed in the natural gas to give it an odour which often smells like rotten eggs. This odour ensures that when a person smells it, they would be alerted to a problem. People trained in utility services, including plumber services, have the required equipment and have been taught skills to recognise and locate leaks in a gas line.
If you ignore that gas leak and do not call plumbing services Sydney, then you are placing yourself and your family at risk of being caught in a house that in the worst case, may blow up. DO NOT ignore that gas leak. It could injure you and your loved ones.
It is VERY important to know where your gas meter is, and how to turn it off. Make a point of finding this out and ensure that everyone in your household over 15 knows where it is.
When you do notice a leak, CALL, not email, your local service area to notify them of a problem. Get everyone out of the house and do not return until someone who is licensed to provide professional plumbing services says it is safe to re-enter your home.
Recognise leaks by the smell or a hissing sound, off colour vegetation in a normally green and lush area, flames if the leak has ignited, dirt coming up from an opening in the ground, or bubbles showing up in a flooded area.
When you react, be sure not to panic children or older adults. Panic only creates more problems. Have a pre-planned escape route and make sure everyone follows the plan in a calm and orderly manner.
When leaving the area, do not turn switches for lights or appliances on or off. They could send out sparks and cause an explosion.
Don’t smoke.
Leave the area and let professionals solve the problem.
Never ignore a leaky gas line inside or outside your residence.
Finding plumbing services Sydney, which will conduct a few simple tests to locate or dismiss a leaky gas fear, is not difficult to do if you look in the phone book for plumber services.
Natural gas is very hard to detect because it has no odour that will alert you of a problem. Although gas companies have put a chemical compound in the gas so that it can be detected, usually a gas leak is something that happens slowly and is not noticeable. A regular check of gas lines around or in your house by an individual that is licensed to provide professional plumber services should be done periodically so that any leaks that might develop can be caught before it becomes dangerous.
Contact plumber services Sydney and leave the area until professionals can tell you it is safe to return.
Take precautions, ensure you have a plan in place and NEVER ignore a gas leak.
Sydney’s New Water Desalination Plant – Why Your Water Bills Will Go Up
Why Dripping Taps and Leaking Toilets will cost More $$$ with Sydney’s New Water Desalination Plant
Do you have a problem with a leaky tap or toilet? You will be amazed how much money dripping taps and leaking toilets will cost you per day. On an average, one house with three taps that leak at a rate of 60 drips per minute will cost you the price of 64 litres of water per day. This adds up to a whopping 23,000 litres of water per year.
The price of water will go up as new plants are added, such as Sydney’s New Water Desalination Plant. The key to keeping money in your pocket is to contact plumber services Sydney and fix the leaks!
Water conservation is on everyone’s mind these days. The cost of water is going up because there just simply is not enough water without programs such as the New Water Desalination Plant. Just as all other water recovery programs, it is expensive to run one of these plants. The more water that your dripping taps and leaky toilets waste, the less water there is for everyone, and the more you will pay for that water.
Saving money is on everyone’s mind as prices go up and budgets get slimmer. One of the best ways to save money on household bills is to make sure everything is in top operating order. You can ensure that all your dripping taps and leaking toilets are in top shape by calling in professional plumbers. Plumbing in Sydney is quite a large business and everyone needs a plumber sooner or later. You need to call the guys who are professionals and can take care of your dripping taps, leaking toilets and all your plumbing needs.
The constant drip, drip, drip of a leaky tap in the middle of the night keeping you awake is not a good way to start any day. A person with a very busy schedule, which most of us have, does not need to listen to that tap drip even one more night. Call the professional plumbing services today and get them to stop that annoying drip from keeping you awake another night.
A leaking toilet can be just as annoying and as costly. Call plumbing services Sydney to solve your problems.
Some bathroom surfaces stain quite easily. That ugly stain in the back of the sink is caused by a tap that is constantly dripping. This will ruin an expensive sink. Call in the professionals to prevent the destruction of your beautiful sinks.
The phone book has a “Plumbing Sydney” section where you can find and hire plumber services and get your dripping taps and leaking toilets fixed so you save money and water. Call today for an appointment and, see how easy and inexpensive it is to have your house in tip top plumbing shape.
Tree Roots Growing In Sewer Pipes
Are the Roots of my Neighbours Trees, or the Trees Growing Out the Front of My Property, Growing in my Sewer Pipes?
One of the major plumbing concerns is trees that send roots into sewer lines, especially in homes that were built over twenty years ago. Trees are equipped with water finding capabilities that send tiny roots in every direction in a quest for water. The trenches where there are sewer lines do not usually have hard packed soil therefore, roots gravitate to this loose soil. When these roots invade from trees growing out the front of your property or from across the street and get into the sewer system, it is time to call in the professionals who do plumbing that know how to deal with a blocked drain. Read More